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Here are three scenarios that describe typical business challenges that might demand our radical Close Business Partnerships approach.

Scenario #1 - "Home Market Development"
You've got an exciting, fully commercialized product, a reasonable level of funding - and a handful of customer references in your local market. But now you need to grow your customer base - and build a 'real' sales and marketing driven business - initially in your local market - but with a medium-term objective to move in to new markets and territories. ... more ...

Scenario #2 - New European Territory Development
You've got a great product in a growing space - and you've got critical mass and real momentum in your home market. And it's time to take your first step into a remote European territory. ... more ...

Scenario #3 - Multi-Territory Profitability
You're already trading in multiple territories - but finding that the current sales and marketing model in one or more of those territories is increasingly non-viable... - given the high and inflexible cost of ownership of a remote, organic business development operation. ... more ...

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